Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ardha Vakrasana

In this asana, the upper part of the body is twisted and the spine and the back muscles are stretched.


Sit on the floor with the legs stretched in front, keep the legs parallel to each other. Bend the right leg and place it behind the knee of the left leg. Place the left hand on the left knee. Place the right hand on the waist. Keep the trunk straight. Turn backwards Ofl the waist. Remain in this position for six to eight seconds. Inhale slowly. Revert back to the original position. Practise this asana with the other leg stretched turning the trunk on the other side. Repeat this asana four to five times daily.


  1. This asana affects chiefly the waist and the abdominal organs.
  2. It stimulates the spermatozoa glands of men and the uterinal organs of women.
  3. This asana helps in reducing pain in the abdomen and the waist.
  4. It cures constipation and other abdominal ailments.

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